SHOOTING: Sharp shooter Chris Moule has hit the target in clay pigeon shooting by gaining England recognition.

Moule finished third best out of the country's 25 seniors in the home internationals at Southern Counties Shooting Ground in Dorset.

Though Ireland won the first day's competition, England hit back to take the second stage on Saturday.

Moule made the shoot-off for bronze medal for his country and lost but was still delighted with his display.

The 39-year-old is now preparing for the European Championships on August 24 and 25 in Bywell, Northumberland, after finishing in England's top five in trials.

He also showed his versatility by being crowned Inter-Counties All-rounder champion at Doveridge, Staffordshire, recently.

The Pensax-based class AA shooter has been in the sport for more than 15 years but had never tried to make the national team before.

He said: "I haven't got a particular discipline that I like to shoot. I just like the challenge of it all.

"The inter-counties was tough as it is a mix of the disciplines. I shot 25 down-the-line single barrel, 25 ball trap, 25 sporting and 25 skeet.

"I thought I would have a go this year to see how far I could go towards making the England team.

"I expected to make the top 25 judging by my own standard of shooting but thought I would be ranked around 15th to 18th. I didn't expect to be in the top five."

Moule, who works as assistant site manager at Little Lakes Holiday Park, Bewdley, admits he will not be sure what to expect in his first visit to the European Championships.