I READ with interest the letter in the Shuttle/Times and News (July 4) entitled "Shock at travel token charges".

Kidderminster has got to be one of the worst places for public transport charges for pensioners in the whole country.

I have recently had my 60th birthday and was quite excited to think I would be able to get my bus pass or taxi tokens.

Off I toddled to the town hall, only to be told taxi tokens are only for people over 80 years of age, or for the disabled.

OK, I thought, I will just have to settle for a free bus pass - no such luck!

I could have a bus pass which I did not have to pay for, but if ever I used it I would have to pay half fare, or I could pay £5 for my pass and travel free.

The only problem is, where could I go with my pass?

I could go to Rock, or perhaps Bewdley, but nowhere very far from Kidderminster, and this is only by bus - passes do not extend to rail travel as they do in other parts of the country.

How often would I want to go these short distances?

I would like to be able to go to Worcester or Stourbridge, or somewhere a little bit different.

I have friends and relatives in Dudley where they can use their free passes for buses or trains. They can go to Dudley, Wolverhampton or Birmingham - even as far as Coventry - for a day out.

I may as well take the free bus pass, although it is doubtful I will ever use it.I can keep it in my purse just in case necessity makes me pay half fare.

Buses do not pass my house, so while I am walking to a bus stop and then waiting for a bus I may as well walk to town for the exercise.