Youngsters in and around Bishampton won't be bored this summer now a new skateboard ramp as been installed near their village hall.

The half-pipe mini-ramp, suitable for skateboards and BMX bikes, is the result of a lot of hard work by youngsters, who had been campaigning for two years for the ramp, helped by members of the Bishampton, Abberton and Throckmorton Villages Hall Trust.

The youngsters collected more than 150 local signatures on a petition, and made presentations to the parish, district and Worcestershire county councils. As a result the Trust made a piece of land available and over the following twelve months £16,000 was raised.

Donations came from Awards for All, Severn Waste, Wychavon District Council, and Bishampton and Throckmorton Parish Council, and the proceeds of village hall events.

The skateboarders chose the style and construction and helped to dig out the foundations by hand. The Trust is now looking for a skateboard/BMX expert to give lessons.