LONG-SERVING head at Offenham CE First School, Jean Wardle is retiring after more than 17 years at the school.

She was deputy head when the school was on its former site in Main Street and became head nine years ago after the school moved to its present buildings in Myatt Road.

During her time as head she has been responsible for implementing the major changes in the way education is managed and organised.

Two years ago, the school was rated as very good or excellent in the majority of areas by Ofsted inspectors, and the ethos and care which exists in the relationship between pupils and staff was particularly commended.

Three years ago she oversaw the extension of the school buildings with the construction of a technology area. A major new computer suite is about to be installed, and before her formal departure at the end of August, work will begin on a new staff room, audio-visual meeting room, improved office facilities and reception area, together with accommodation for children who are unwell.

Staff, governors, parents and past pupils presented her with a picture, garden chairs, a tree and a specially commissioned three dimensional ceramic of children dancing round a maypole, marking the fact that she has been heavily involved with teaching the children maypole dancing. Pupils said their own farewells with a presentation at the end of term.

Chairman of governors, the Rev Dr Adrian Hough, said: "Jean's greatest achievement has been the creation of an ethos of love and care which runs through the whole of the relationships between staff and pupils. I am sure that a great many pupils will look back with affection and gratitude at what the school has given them through Jean's efforts."

The new headteacher will be Alec Holland, deputy head at Barnt Green First School, who starts on September 1.