STREET collections and a donation from a supermarket have boosted the coffers of the district Alzheimers Society branch by £1,400.

The branch collected more than £900 from street collections in Kidderminster Bewdley and Stourport. Kidderminster's Waitrose store also handed over a cheque for £500 .

Alzheimers Society district branch chairman Eunice Pritchard said cash raised would help fund future projects.

She said: "We can offer help, advice and information and we also offer telephone support and produce a regular newsletter.

"We need to spread the message that drugs are now available to stem the onset of alzheimers and that the disease not only strikes old people but can affect people much younger too."

The branch runs a support group for carers of people suffering from dementia on the third Friday of each month at Kidderminster Library.

Volunteers are needed to fill positions on the committee. For details call 01299 861300.