At the July meeting Joyce Allen reported on the intermediate meeting in Cardiff, Eileen Fuller on the WI production of 50 Golden Years and Wendy Huntley on Andrew Lloyd's flower arranging display at the Rose Theatre.

A plant swap/coffee morning was held at Jeanne and Bert Round's home, and 18 members visited Cookley Glassworks.

Joan and George Kidd will host a garden supper on August 12.

Names were taken for the soiree at Hartlebury Castle on September 20, and the fund-raising shopping trip to Cardiff on November 27.

Entry forms for the open flower, produce and craft show in Cookley Parish Hall on September 14 are available.

Following the show, items will be exhibited in St Mary's Church, Kidderminster.

Marion Canning, a master of ceremonies and toastmaster, gave a talk on An Unusual Job for a Lady.

On September 9 G Neal will recall Musical Memories 1939-1946, and the competition will be for an old theatre programme.