COTSWOLD Farm Park at Guiting Power is taking part in a national week promoting the conservation of Britain's rare farm animals and targeting the long-term commitment of children.

Young visitors to the Cotswold Farm Park will be the focus of the first National Rare Breeds Week from Saturday, July 27 to Sunday, August 4. They will be invited to join a "Survivors Club" to help foster their long-term interest in rare breeds and expand their knowledge and understanding of farming and food matters, as well as being invited to sign a pledge to help protect rare breeds, for which they will collect a certificate and be entered in a prize draw.

"Our promotional week, coming at the start of the school holidays, is the ideal chance to secure the commitment of young people to the cause," said Richard Lutwyche, the RBST's marketing director. "Whenever we tell schools about our efforts, the children invariably show enormous enthusiasm. The launch of our Survivors Club with its own area on our informative website gives them the opportunity to make a real and continuing contribution."