Saturday, November 24, 2001

BROMSGROVE Rovers were left to reflect their failure to capitalise on early supremacy and scoring opportunities against Paget Rangers, and must regard a goalless draw in the Midland Alliance as two points lost.

After a fairly even opening at the Vale Stadium the Greens took charge for a spell and in successive minutes three chances to take the lead and control of the match were squandered.

The normally deadly Michael Moore was twice let in by defensive errors from Paget's Carl Murphy, but first his touch let him down, and then he failed to connect cleanly with a shot and his effort was grabbed by Matt Harris.

Seconds later Paul Lloyd's astute pass put Stuart Payne clear but his chip lacked height and Harris again gratefully gathered.

After that chances appeared with some regularity at both ends. Rovers' failure to fully grasp playing with five at the back saw several misunderstandings rescued by Matt Lowe's agility and some equally wasteful finishing.

The search for a goal wasn't helped either by a 25-minute break when Paget's Michael Swann was left motionless on the deck after an accidental clash of heads with Morgan Brookes. Swann was eventually taken away by ambulance to hospital.

Although a few chances again came and went the second half was a lack-lustre affair.