A MINORITY of council staff has been striking over pay. Your readers should know what is being demanded and what is on offer.

The unions have put in a claim, which if met, would on average, cost an extra £80 in council tax for every household.

I do not think your residents want that. Nationally, 85,000 jobs would be lost. I don't think local council workers would want that.

Instead, employers have offered a 3 per cent rise, backdated to April. That would be put in people's pay packets immediately. A 3 per cent rise is affordable - it would mean no increase in council tax.

It is also nearly three times the level of inflation. It is the national going rate for pay increases.

Employers think the offer is fair and reasonable and that the unions' claim is unrealistic and unaffordable. Over the coming period there will probably be some disruption to local services.

But if we were to grant the unions their claim, the consequences would be more harmful.

And that is why it is right for employers to stand firm on this issue.


Executive Director,

Employers' Organisation for local government.