DMW January 22

IF this division had its own fantasy league, Peter Sutton would be riding high in the most valuable player charts.

Goals against Yate, Stourbridge and Paget plus three assists in Saturday's victory has made the returnee striker a hot property.

But, and you can call me really mean if you like, he wasn't my star man. That honour is bestowed upon Steve Ulfig, who has put an iffy spell behind him to shine in Rovers' miserly defence.

After three wins over struggling sides, cynics probably expected the Greens to falter when faced with a team from the top half of the table. However, the result was never really in doubt once the home side had bagged two goals in as many minutes around the half hour mark.

An almighty scramble followed John Humphreys' left wing corner on 26 minutes, the keen-eyed referee spotted a trip on Sutton and Kevin Ashley blasted the resulting penalty into the net.

With Boro dazed and confused, skipper Mark Bowater, a target for Stafford Rangers, posted his seventh of the season. The left wing build up was sublime and Sutton's low cross a gift for Bowie, who swept the ball past ex-Rovers keeper Richard Anstiss from close range.

The visitors rallied briefly with off target efforts before the break from Nigel Brown and Chris Pearce.

And in the second period, the lively Neil Beagan and Joe Dowling forced stops from the otherwise untroubled Nore Gabbidon.

Thirteen minutes into the half, however, Solihull were given an even greater mountain to climb. Andy Penny crudely hacked down Sutton in the box and Ashley sent Anstiss the wrong way with his driven spot kick.

To Boro's credit, they never gave up, forcing a series of corners that ultimately came to nothing. Rovers always looked more likely to score and Mark Benbow was unlucky not to add a fourth when his late looping header was saved by Anstiss.

Rovers: Gabbidon, Townsend, Ulfig, Ashley, Bowater, Jinks, Humphreys (sub Cooper 85), Davies, Sutton, Daley (sub Wilkins 89), Benbow. Sub (unused): Rochester.

Attendance: 502. Rovers man of the match: Steve Ulfig.