RESIDENTS living in the Bidford area have been urged to fill in and return their parish appraisal questionnaires.

The village's B50 Appraisal Group has sent out 2,200 questionnaires to people living in the B50 postcode, covering Bidford, Barton, Marlcliff and Broom, and some have been returned already.

The group, which launched the appraisal at the Bidford Village Day in November 2000 and began distributing questionnaires at the beginning of July, hopes that almost all the questionnaires will be returned by August, so the answers can begin to be analysed.

Appraisal Group chairman Mike Gerrard said early signs have indicated a good return rate.

He said: "It's going quite well. We've got the questionnaires out all around the B50 area. I've already got two small boxes full at home.

"We aim to start analysing the results by the end of August. It doesn't matter if they come through at a steady dribble, the main bones will become clear once the first 300 are through.

"We've also got spare forms in the post office for people who haven't received them, although we can sent out copies if necessary."

He also said that he would like to remind people to return their questionnaires as soon as possible and hoped the group would be able to report the findings of the appraisal by about mid-November.

He added: "I think it is a big undertaking. 108 questions is quite a lot, but we are very pleased at the level of response so far and I will be reporting back to the parish council at the meeting next Monday."