TRAINED security guards will be protecting club and pub-goers on their way home, if plans for a new late-night Worcester bus service come off.

The Friday and Saturday service will address problems at the taxi rank at The Cross by moving revellers more quickly and separating them between different pick-up points.

It is thought that the scheme, which could be running by October, will also cut vandalism caused by clubbers walking home.

Councillor Simon Geraghty told Worcester's licensing committee that the high number of students in the city meant the service should go to University College Worcester.

''It'll provide much more safety," he said. "You know there's been attacks on students going back to college down dark alleyways. These students do face safety issues.''

Coun Ray Turner said that the services would be a bonus to people on low income who could not afford taxis, as well as preventing vandalism caused by people walking to Dines Green, and to Warndon through The Arboretum.

Coun Derek Prodger said he had planted 15 trees on New Road and barely four had survived due to late-night revellers taking that route home.

The service will run on two routes to Dines Green and Warndon, from 6am until midnight on Mondays and Thursdays, until 3am on Fridays and Saturdays, and until 10pm on Sundays.

Buses will run at an interval of between 10 and 30 minutes, depending on the time of day.

Licensing officer Julian Pugh said he wanted to involve the nightclub trade in promoting safe ways to get home.

Committee members, who have already met taxi representatives, plan to talk to club officials in the near future.

Roy Fidoe, head of environmental health, believes the taxi trade will benefit from the move.

''A number of drivers are assaulted by idiots and a few people run off without paying,'' he said.