A SELF-EMPLOYED builder crashed his car on a Worcestershire road and left the scene.

Nineteen-year-old Graham Inight abandoned the gold Volkswagen on the A38 at Severn Stoke, near Kempsey.

Worcester magistrates heard that, when police found him in a nearby pub, he claimed the car had been stolen.

Officers had been called to the crash scene shortly before 8am on Saturday, May 18, Kerry Moreton, prosecuting, told the court.

The badly-damaged Golf had been moved from the post-accident position, but there were clear signs it had left the road.

"There was nobody with the vehicle and officers made inquiries which led them to the Fruiterers Arms, at Stonehall Common."

They realised Inight had been drinking and was in a dishevelled state.

He claimed his vehicle had been stolen, she added, but he was arrested and taken to Worcester police station.

He admitted being in an accident and claimed he had consumed half a pint of Lambrini and a double measure of Jack Daniels and cola after the crash.

A breath test found he had 80mcg of alcohol in 100ml of breath. The legal limit is 35mcg.

Forensic evidence found that what he had drunk after the accident would have accounted for 33mcg of alcohol in his breath.

If he had tested before that, the level would have been 67mcg.


Inight, of The Limes, Kempsey, admitted driving with excess alcohol.

"His behaviour in terms of the initial response to the police can be put down to panic," said Barry Newton, defending. "The loss of his licence makes life awkward for him. He knows it's been created by himself."

Magistrates banned Inight from driving for 18 months.

He was fined £250 and ordered to pay £69 costs.