A MALVERN man drove his son home despite drinking heavily that day.

George Smith said he did not know why he had got into his car, when he was found to be almost three times the legal drink-drive limit, after a session of drinking lager.

Worcester magistrates heard that police officers spotted the 54-year-old as he returned to his home on Tuesday,

May 7.

"Officers were on patrol on Madresfield Road when they saw a red Volvo," said Susan Cliff, prosecuting.

"They followed it into Atyeo Close where they saw it turn sharply into a driveway.

"They shouted at him but they were ignored and he quickly entered the house.

"The officers knocked on the door and were invited in. They found Smith sitting on the floor. He had clearly been drinking."

A positive breath test was carried out and Smith was arrested and taken to Worcester police station.

After a blood test he was found to have 210mcg of alcohol in 100ml of blood. The legal limit is 80mcg.

Smith, of Atyeo Close, Malvern, admitted driving with excess alcohol.

"My client suffers from asthma and bronchitis," said Martha Recordon, defending.

"He goes to the doctor once or twice a week. He's heavily dependent on the car - his wife has difficulties walking and no one else in the family can assist.

"He'd been drinking at home with his sons. They had consumed numerous cans of lager.

"He says one of his sons said he had to collect something from home. He doesn't know why but he agreed to take him there.

"He got into the car, but didn't realise he was over the limit."

Smith was fined £250 and ordered to pay £55 costs.

He was also banned from driving for 18 months.