PERDISWELL Park Golf Club Seniors took on three matches in a week ending with one win and two defeats.

The first against Sherdons Golf Club at Tewkesbury was a thrilling affair with the Parkers just taking the honours by 3-2.

The result was even more satisfying because it was Sherdon's first defeat on home soil.

Results: Gordon Maycroft/Tony Porter halved with Peter Down/Roy Webster, Cyril Misters/Jeff Wheeler beat Nick Nicholas/Jack Adams 4 & 2, Ron Milbourne/Graham Potts beat Bob Davies/Mike Compton 6 & 5, Brian Hodgetts/Graham Bateman lost to Colin Martin/Keith Farmer by 1 hole, John Byrne/Neville Baird beat Sudi Mantri/Derek Gurmin 2 & 1, John Davis/Ray Day lost to John Tibbles/John Lee 5 & 4.

A reversal of fortunes for the team came at Tolladine Golf Club where they suffered a 3-2 defeat by the home side, the visitors being unable to master the Tolladine slopes.

Results: Gordon Maycroft/John Saunders beat Jack Thompson/ Arthur Cupfor 3 & 2, Ron Milbourne/John Davis halved with John Crawford/Brian Gibbons, Tony Porter/Jeff Wheeler beat Alan Ellis (lone player) 4 & 3, Brian Hodgetts/Arthur Pike lost to Ron Adams/Frank Bates 4 & 3, Ray Day/Bill Tuten lost to Tony Lane/Fred Hall 7 & 6, Cyril Misters/Graham Potts lost to Peter Allan/Frank Adcock 2 & 1.

Still smarting, the seniors travelled to Redditch's Pitcheroak course to play against the Kingfisher Golf Club. However the wounds were reopened by a 4 and 2 mauling by their hosts.

Results:- Gordon Maycroft/John Davis beat Mike Thompson/Gerry Burbage by 1 hole, Tony Porter/John Byrne lost to John Pullen/Ken Fitter by 1 hole, Ron Milbourne/Arthur Pike lost to Colin Spears/Trevor Such 6 & 5, Brian Hodgetts/Jeff Wheeler lost to Ken Nixon/Alan Smith 3 & 2 john Saunders/Graham Potts beat Alan Fothergill/Martyin Paul 4 & 2, Ray Day/Cyril Misters lost to Basil Cotttrell/Trevor Passey 6 & 5.