ST John's mediaeval fayre has been a highlight of Worcester's late summer since it was revived in its modern incarnation by the Traders' Association in 1993.

Like the now-defunct city carnival, it has given city folk the chance to enjoy a street celebration of which the community could be proud.

Over the years, Church Green has been packed with people enjoying the fun and games - and, in another big plus, many charities have benefited from the event.

But, this year, the fayre has had to be cancelled because of a lack of volunteers.

Leading St John's businessman Denis Ogle says he doesn't want to make a "song and dance" about it because, next year, he's hopeful that the fayre will go ahead.

But, as he points out, what's needed is a dedicated group of helpers who are prepared to work on the event from April onwards.

We know that, in this day and age, there are many demands made on the time of busy people.

The pressures of work, the challenges of family life, even the vast variety of leisure activities on offer in our city, all conspire against volunteering to do something for the community.

But we'd hope that, in an area as vibrant as St John's - one that styles itself as "the village in the city" - there will be volunteers who are prepared to step into the breech and help make next year's mediaeval fayre a massive success.