AN American invasion of a picturesque Cotswold village in Worcestershire was highlighted by the Journal this week exactly a century ago - and, remember, it was long before the days of air travel and package holidays.

"The Americans have taken possession of Broadway this summer. The peaceful old village is becoming more popular than ever as a resort for visitors generally, but every other person one meets there now seems to be an American.

"The fact that some clever and distinguished people have taken a fancy to Broadway has added considerably to the natural attractions of the old place. Mary Anderson (Madame Navarro), famous, attractive and altogether charming, sought peace there long ago, and now it is many years since Mr. Frank Millet, the genial American artist and author, fell in love with the place.

"The residence in Broadway of these two eminent people has perhaps, more than anything else, set the fashion and led to the American invasion of this corner of Worcestershire. The American colony grows every year."

As we know with the benefit of hindsight, Frank Millet was one of the three ill-fated men from Worcestershire who went down with the Titanic in 1912.