COMEDY and operatic melodrama were put to good use during last week's showing of Wicked Waxworks by the Worcester Gilbert and Sullivan Society at Brom-yard's Conquest Theatre.

Set in a museum of handsome male waxworks lasciviously admired by a daily gathering of single women, the show's large cast created an incredible tableau of well-paced action and songs.

All the stars of the show demonstrated considerable singing talent and comic timing, including Ben Leeke as the narrator, sorcerer John Wellington Wells and Andrew Howie as greedy waxworks proprietor Grims-by Grice.

Mary Hancock was also stunning in her role as Grice's elderly sister who is persuaded that she has been kowtowing to his whims for too long.

Using her comic talents in the role of proclaimed young beauty Angelina Angelheart, Paula Potter played the girl who falls for an impoverished, but charming, floor sweeper.

She demonstrated a delightful lack of inhibition to carry off the role with aplomb. Helping her all the way was some terrific singing, particularly during the duet Now Wouldn't you like to Rule with Mary Hancock.

Wicked Waxworks is showing at the Norbury Theatre, in Droitwich, from July 25 to 27. To book call 01905 770154.

Ally Hardy