THE largest public meeting ever hosted in Malvern saw more than 700 people pack into the Forum Theatre to debate the future management and operation of Malvern Theatres.

The venue is caught between servicing a £560,000 debt arising from an overspend on the refurbishment in 1997 and successive cuts in grant from Malvern Hills District Council, Wednesday's meeting was told.

The grant has fallen from £300,000 in 1999 to £204,000 in the year to March.

MHDC is assessing the option of a commercial take-over of the venue and has received two proposals, from Ambassadors Theatre Group and from the current management led by chief executive Nic Lloyd.

However, support emerged during the meeting, called by the Malvern Gazette, for finding an alternative way to keep the theatres going without involving a commercial operator.

Chris Bassett, chairman of Malvern Theatre Players, suggested a fundraising effort by the people of Malvern could pay back the debt and allow the present management team to complete the 10-year plan it is currently half way through.

He said it would be wrong to put all the money and effort that had gone into the theatres on a plate and hand it to a commercial operator.

English Symphony Orchestra artistic director William Boughton urged more subsidies be given to the theatres while Mr Lloyd challenged MHDC to match fund should the public decide to fundraise.

Although this was the first public debate on the issue, talks have been going on for two years and the council has already retained consultant, Peter Bond, to assess the running of the theatres.

Peter Weller, from Ledbury, said: "What should be on the council's mind is basically how angry we are. We've been hoodwinked. People who have put in money and effort know they may lose both."

He noted Mr Bond had reported that Malvern had probably the best theatre in the country but it was underfunded.

MHDC acting leader Paul Cumming responded by saying: "We're here to listen to you, to take your views, to take information with you and make a decision together. We are as committed as anyone else is to this theatre succeeding."

He also agreed to a meeting with Mr Lloyd after it emerged he had not been given the opportunity to present his opinions to the council in full.