English Symphony Orchestra artistic director William Boughton said that without a community-run Malvern Theatres, companies like his would disappear.

The Malvern-based conductor said that in a commercially run venue, touring shows would be programmed for full weeks at a time, leaving no room for professional users who schedule one-off dates.

That loss would be felt in the entire district, with companies like the ESO, Malvern Concert Club and Autumn in Malvern bringing with them highly talented concert musicians to live and work in the area, both as performers and as teachers in the schools and colleges.

"That would be in grave danger if a commercial operator were ever to take over," he said. "If the ESO ceased to exist many of the players would look to other orchestras and would be lost to the community and outlying area."

He said the ESO takes the name of Malvern to the world during performances "Much more work needs to be done in this area and should not be subjected to continuous council cutbacks," he stated.

"The arts are fundamental to our lives. They give us a greater appreciation and understanding of ourselves, the world that we live in and our imaginations.

"All people are worth this small investment and the local authority should increase the subsidy to the theatre through its current management."