I have just been reading the article in the Malvern Gazette (July 19) about the retirement of Mr David Fawbert as headteacher of The Chase.

While I in no way wish to disparage Mr Fawbert's own achievements in the 16 years he has been there, I was saddened by the impression given of what the school was like previously.

The article reports Mr Fawbert saying: "I came into a school that was really down at heel."

Our children started at the school in the days of the previous headmaster, Mr Mullinger.

The fabric of the building most certainly was run down, as were many schools in those days, but even then the school had a very good reputation and was sought after by parents making choices for their children.

The overriding ethos was that the needs and aptitudes of the children were always the first priority. The children were taught by people who really knew them and who cared about them, whatever their academic potential.

It is a fact that the school has changed and developed in recent years but the very good things that were happening there previously deserve to be recognised as well.

Valerie Alma, Teme Avenue, Malvern.