ROBERT Wilson, the chairman of MADCAP (Malvern and District Community Arts Project), explained his role in overseeing the involvement and performances of community groups in Malvern Theatres during his speech at the public meeting.

He said that various groups used the venues for between 12 and 14 weeks each year, and that each of those productions cost between £15,000 and £50,000 to stage.

"We are not talking about small business," he said.

He said those groups had "put a lot of time and effort into raising money" for the Malvern Theatres in the past and that the venues were not just a council matter.

He added that there were many factors involved in creating 'best value', including creativity and local involvement.

If the Ambassadors Theatre Group were to take over, he said: "They are not going to be doing it for nothing and I think we will pay. I for one will be asking for my money back."

He reiterated his support for the idea that the Malvern people could fundraise to clear the theatres' outstanding debt and said: "I am saying that if its not broken, why fix it?"