VALE car enthusiast Terry Archer's six-year labour of love has resulted in a rebuilt and roadworthy 1950s car.

The former national drag racing champion has restored a 1956 Ford Popular - a familiar sight on Britain's roads from the 1940s through to the 1960s.

It is the third car Mr Archer, aged 46, of Pershore Road, Hampton has rebuilt. The first was a Ford Capri in which he installed a five-litre engine for drag racing.

That was followed by a Ford RS2000 with a 7.5-litre engine that he drove to success as Super Street class national drag racing champion in 1991.

Although his competition days are behind him he has still kept up his interest in cars through restoration.

His Ford Popular has a supercharged Daimler V8 engine but is just for his daily use. "I just love the shape," he said, "It's such a beautiful old shape.

"I bought it about eight or nine years ago in Colchester; I had always wanted one."

The car has already earned the admiration of judges in a recent car rally at Birlingham, winning the prize for best in show out of 250 vehicles. "It was unbelievable," said Mr Archer.

The father-of-two had an understanding wife in Shirley and said he had no immediate plans to begin restoring another vehicle, particularly as some jobs around the house were demanding his attention.

"I'm paying for it now," he explained, "because I've got all the decorating to do."