I WRITE in support of R Parsons (Your Letters, July 12) and Ian Fearnside and Jan Sykes (Your Letters, July 19) who have expressed concern at the prospect of the sale of the island at Barnards Green by the Malvern Hills Conservators to Worcestershire County Council.

For the past 20 years I have been regularly at the Green. Its central feature, the island, has a pleasing curving shape, some very colourful flower beds at one end and at the other, 'Twelve' Apostles standing sentinel (Soon the Lindens with scented flowers will be in bloom). Any incursion into the island would detract from the whole and would represent a loss of amenity.

Twelve Apostles Island is one of many bits and pieces of land owned by the Conservators in the general area of Malvern. Most, as is the case with this island, are manorial wastes acquired by the board as part of a package that included Link Common in 1924.

Apparently in response to a request to the board to sell the island, certain Conservators have been arguing that because the board would not want to purchase such land nowadays, that this is a reason for selling it off. This seems to me a spurious argument. Furthermore the status of the board as a charity is dependent on its being of 'benefit to the community and the public' and any sale of Twelve Apostles Island would not be compatible with this.

I appeal to people who live near the Green, come to the Green to shop or work, levy payers or non-levy payers alike, to send letters or emails making their opinions known to the board at Manor House, Graham Road, Malvern, as R Parsons suggests, and also to the Conservator for the Chase Ward, Ray Roberts, 93 Newtown Road, Malvern WR14 1PD before a decision is finally made by the board on September 12.

JOYCE D PARR, Christ Church Road, Malvern.