A 95-year-old Malvern woman who has never flown before has won a ride in a light aircraft over the Malvern Hills at a charity auction.

Retired secretary and historian Muriel Maby successfully bid £150 for the flight at the event in aid of the County Air Ambulance.

The auction at the Royal Oak in Leigh Sinton last Tuesday raised £3,500 for the charity.

Miss Maby, of Lower Wyche, who walks with a stick, says she hardly ever gets out on the hills any more, although she used to be a keen walker.

"I like to be on the hills when I can," she said. "When I retired from work I used to go out quite a lot, they used to have a cafe up there on Worcestershire Beacon which was useful."

Now unable to make the steep climb from her house, Miss Maby said: "I'm 95 so I thought it's now or never and put in a telephone bid for the flight after reading about the auction in the Malvern Gazette. I didn't realise I was going to be up there for an hour but I'm glad to help the Air Ambulance.

"I've never flown before. I've never particularly wanted to travel, although I have been to Paris by train and ferry perhaps half a dozen times to see friends.

"I'm not nervous about it, I just hope my stomach doesn't mind it because you never know."

Although Miss Maby says she does not have a camera worthy of taking with her, she is looking forward to flying over her own home.

Royal Oak landlord Martin Roberts said: "We would like to thank everyone involved in organising the auction as well as all the people, well over a 100, who turned up on the night and were so generous."

Mr Roberts had set himself a target of raising £2002 for the Air Ambulance but exceeded the amount easily.