FURTHER to the comments by Mrs J Hughes (Your Letters, July 19) on the "state" of the Elgar graves at St Wulstan's church, may I offer a little clarification?

First, as a member of the local branch of the Elgar Society, may I say that the graves have been cared for by several of our members in recent years and the site today is a dramatic improvement from 1994 (when I first visited).

Our branch has also helped to pay for the signs, which indicate the grave on the adjacent road.

Secondly, anyone who has researched Elgar will tell your correspondent that it was Lady Elgar who chose St Wulstan's as her burial place - it had and still has, a wonderful view of the Worcestershire landscape.

It would not have been appropriate - for all who love Elgar's music - for his ashes to have been scattered.

A friend wrote after his death: "He is our Shakespeare of music, born and died on the soil in the heart and soul of England ... the prayers of England go with him as you give him back to that soil ... he remains with us in all his wonder works."

Thirdly, although for a time after Lady Elgar's death his faith 'lapsed' he ultimately reaffirmed his faith as was testified by Father Gibb, who visited Elgar shortly before his death.

It is a pity Mrs Hughes did not, apparently, visit the Elgar Birthplace Museum, where these 'gaps' could have been filled in.

St Wulstan's may not be the best kept churchyard in Malvern, but I can assure Mrs Hughes that it is the most revered!

IAN J MORGAN, Meadow Road, Malvern Link.