BRITAIN in Bloom judges were given a loud welcome when they arrived in Ledbury yesterday (Thursday).

Bob Harris and Les Goodman seemed relaxed and happy to be back as they were met at the Market House by the mayor and mayoress, councillors Noel and Jayne Roberts.

The party, which included Ledbury in Bloom chairman Tom Deane, was quickly engulfed in a crowd of around 200 flag-waving people, many wearing period costumes in keeping with the royal pageant theme of this year's carnival.

In fact the mood that greeted the judges was very much a carnival one with singing provided by the Community Choir while members of the carnival committee, including chairman Steve Clegg, ran a "design a tabard" competition for youngsters who were also given free balloons.

Ledbury is hoping to win the small towns trophy for the Heart of England Region for a remarkable third time.

The judges had already been presented with buttonholes by the Brownies and had been given a tour of sites including the fire and ambulance station.

As the group continued up the cobbled Church Lane, Tom Deane said: "It's a lovely atmosphere, isn't it? It's marvellous that there are so many people about."

Ledbury in Bloom secretary Chris Clarke was only disappointed that the judges could not see more in the all-important 90 minutes. She said: "We have some super gardens and places we've only have so long to show off."

Mayor Noel Roberts said: "It's nice to win because people like to come and see the winner. But I'm very proud that Ledbury even enters the competition and makes the town even more beautiful than it is."

Afterwards, at a buffet reception, judge Bob Harris said: "It's always a delight to come to Ledbury. We know all the hard work you have put in. You've run your rivals close."