MALVERN Hills High-ways Partnership has promised a traffic speed survey on a Malvern Wells road amid concerns that it has become unsafe to cross.

Fruitlands resident Rev Beverly Coleman, aged 82, said traffic regularly ignored a 30mph limit on Peachfield Road and that elderly people and young children had to dash across the road to avoid being knocked down.

He said: "Either the limit is 30mph or it isn't. I'm over 80 and I have to hobble over fairly quickly. Elderly people try to get over with their dogs and a lot of children cross the road on their way to the school at the top of the road and the traffic is far too fast. People may get knocked over and I think it should be looked into."

Mike Pollard, vice- chairman of Malvern Wells Parish Council, agreed that traffic speed was a problem on Peachfield Road.

He said: "It's a matter of concern. In the past we've had a policeman there with a speed gun but that doesn't last for long.

"It's become a main road in that a lot of the heavy traffic comes round the back of town, particularly with the new road that starts at Newland and brings traffic into Bar-nards Green, up St An-drews Road and up this road to go towards Led-bury."

Although improvements were carried out to junctions at the top and bottom of Peachfield Road about a year ago, highways partnership manager Mike Davis said they would carry out a survey of traffic speed along the road in the next few weeks.

He said: "What we can do is get a survey done of the traffic speed to establish the extent of the problem and, depending on results of that survey, we could contact the police and ad-vise them what the prob-lem is and ask if they can do some enforcement."