IT'S always interesting to read newspaper articles from the past and compare them with today's society. I wonder how people of those times view our towns of today?

Do they feel we are being honourable stewards of our inheritance? Perhaps, more importantly, what kind of society do we hope to pass on into the future?

Debates on this revolve around road systems, the nature of the high street, budget priorities. Past decisions have been heavily influenced by the retail trade.

As we look forward perhaps we need to re-assess the basis of our visions. Perhaps future towns will consist of a number of communities, which are all interdependent; entertainment, leisure, retail, industry and education. With the pace at which changes are now taking place such forward thinking is increasingly difficult.

Maybe then we should raise our visions higher and aim to equip succeeding generations with the tools for living together in such a changing environment. We could start by giving them role models based upon placing the general well being of all above ideas of self-interest.

THE REV. ERIC G KNOWLES, chaplain, Little Malvern Priory.