A WEST Malvern pensioner has requested that a new bus stop be created after a bus driver was allegedly rude to her when she requested to be let off closer to home.

Jocelyn Geyer, Old Hollow said she bought a half-price return ticket on the 675 First Midlands Red bus at The Lamb, in West Malvern, on her way to Malvern town centre on her birthday, June 24.

On returning home, the widow said she asked the driver to drop her off by the bungalows at St James Crescent, where elderly residents frequently ask to be dropped.

She said: "I wanted to get off there because it's closer for me.

"The driver didn't just say no you can't, he was very rude about it and said I should be paying 10p more for that. I didn't expect to be insulted so I was very upset.

"I rely on the buses. I've no other transport. It's bad enough having to go by bus and carry your shopping. There was no call for him to be rude."

Mrs Geyer approached West Malvern Parish Council and it highlighted members' concerns to the Worcester-based bus company.

Coun John Raine said: "It's the responsibility of bus companies to provide public services that truly service the public.

"Taxpayers who, after all, subsidise our public transport undertakings, as well as the passengers who use them, would surely expect bus drivers at least to show civility towards their customers.

"Indeed, most people would think it perfectly reasonable for them also to exercise a bit of discretion and show consideration towards senior citizens, many of whom are dependent on the buses," he added.

No one from Midland Red was available to comment on the matter.