TWO Malvern musicians have been recording a CD using a piano played by Edward Elgar over the course of the week.

Violinist Barrie Moore and pianist Timothy Field are collaborating to produce European Gold a CD featuring little known music from selected European countries in the Oakdene Centre at St James's School in West Malvern.

The highlight of the work is to be Bredon Hill, a piece Mr Moore first played at the 1989 Malvern Festival, which was composed by Julius Harrison, a contemporary of Elgar.

Mr Field will use a piano Elgar played with Bernard Shaw in 1929 which has recently been restored. The pre-war American Steinway takes pride of place in the recital room at the school.

The musicians recently performed Elgar's Violin Sonata at the Downs School.

Enthusiasts will be able to hear the pair play several more recitals in the coming 2002-2003 season.