I WAS horrified to read (You Say, July 17) a letter from D E Margrett headlined "Countries benefiting from switch to euro."

There has been much evidence produced over the past few weeks that countries in the euro zone are not benefiting by switching to the single currency.

Quite the reverse. In the past two weeks alone, the majority of "euro nations" have expressed, by way of polls, that they regret joining.

The deep feeling of the regret has been expressed most vehemently by, of all countries, Germany! The want their beloved mark back. But, of course, this cannot be.

Another prime example was, sadly, Ireland, who foolishly shackled themselves to the euro some years ago.

Within two or three years Ireland had a crisis with inflation, and their Prime Minister, Bertie Ahern, publicly announced his frustration at being unable to do anything about it - it was up to some unknown people in Brussels.

With a proposed referendum coming up, we would have expected a debate in Parliament on the pros and cons of joining.

The electorate should have been put in the picture by now but, instead, we have simply been told "that it is imperative that we join the euro".

Not one reason has been given why this should be so.

