PAUL Griffiths (You Say, July 16) must know the horrifying similarities between the new European Order and Hitler's plans for a regionalised Europe.

Why play it down? Hitler's regionalisation plan (released in 1942) are almost identical to that in the current Government White Paper in which there is no mention of England.

We will have regional representatives of seven per 4.5 million people - just like Hitler's plan).

The Nazis murdered millions. Our main political parties have progressively sold out Great Britain and, with the Liberal Democrats, have presided over letting loose abortion on demand. By 2005 there will be six million aborted babies.

We have to bring in 150,000 immigrants per year to make up the labour shortage in this land, to cope with the ageing population.

Why? Because at 450 abortions per day we cannot provide our own labourers, doctors, engineers, drivers. Nazis were socialists.

So are the people today who wish to open the gates to murdering drugs and legalised child sex.


Christian Watch,
