THE wedding of Earl Beauchamp was the big news a century ago - and such big news was it that the Gazette published a special Saturday edition to keep the public informed about the auspicious event.

In the exhaustive - and exhausting - style of the day, the report took up more than two complete closely-printed broadsheet pages.

The church service took place at Eccleston Church, near Chester, and the reception at Eaton Hall.

The list of the guests was printed in full with, in the case of the ladies, lengthy descriptions of their costumes.

A whole paragraph is devoted to a crucifix which was carried aloft in the church service. This item was made from the hereditary war club of a Melanesian chieftain, who gave it up on his conversion to Christianity.

The list of presents alone extended over seven columns and from it we learn that Malvern Cycling Club contributed a gold chain, tradesmen of the Link a solid silver epergne (a branching ornamental cetrepiece for a table) and cottage tenants of Powick a solid silver inkstand and pair of candlesticks.

On returning from Cheshire, the Earl and his bride, formerly Miss Lettice Grosvenor, were greeted by crowds of local residents at they processed from the Link station to Madresfield Court. The town celebrated with a bonfire atop the Beacon and a "magic lantern" show on Belle Vue Terrace, both enthusiastically attended.