THE Professional Golfers' Association (PGA) is launching a campaign to attract more girls into golf.

The PGA and English Ladies Golf Association (ELGA) have joined forces, in conjunction with Peugeot, to bring a new golf road show to the Midlands later this month.

In a bid to encourage more young girls to try their hand at the sport, the PGA is providing two qualified professionals for each venue, to offer girls aged from six to 11 years free golf lessons using the latest Tri-Golf foam and plastic golf sets supplied by the Golf Foundation.

The road show will stop at a number of unconventional golfing venues throughout the region, including Pershore High School on Thursday, August 8, in an effort to reach as many potential young girl golfers as possible.

A similar scheme has proved popular in parts of Canada and the PGA's chief executive Sandy Jones hopes that it will prove a hit in England.

"Numbers of young girl golfers taking up the game remain frustratingly low, which makes this the perfect time to branch out and try something a little bit different," said Sandy.

"In taking golf to non traditional venues and targeting girls at primary school age, we can attract a much wider audience.

Road show organiser and National Girls' Development Officer at the ELGA (English Ladies Golf Association) Kirstie Jennings, has some surprising statistics about the low numbers of young lady golfers across the country.

"Just 4,000 junior girl golfers are currently members of golf clubs in the UK compared with a figure in excess of 60,000 boys. "

Further information on ELGA's activities can be contacted on 0121 456 2088, website or Kirstie Jennings on 01604 753043.