The Melting Pot Theatre Company brings Peter Whelan's The Herbal Bed to the Commandery in Worcester from August 6 until August 10.

The play focuses on John Hall, a noted 16th Century physician, and Susannah, who finds solace in herbalism and friendship with a neighbour. But she reckons without the machinations of Jack, a young man with designs on Susannah himself, and a grudge against John Hall.

The company hopes that the closeness of the stage to the audience will give people a real feel for the time and take them back to a moment of love, lust and illicit desires in Shakespeare's England.

The play is a Three Choirs Fringe production and for details ring Steve Quick on 01905 722322 or Amanda Bonnick on 01905 458773. It should be noted there is partial nudity and very occasional strong language.