A TRAINEE receptionist working at a Hereford golf club has been named Modern Apprentice of the Year 2002.

Kerry Hargest has been gaining her front-of-house skills at Belmont Lodge and Golf Course.

She has been named Reception Modern Apprentice of the Year in an annual competition run by Hospitality and Leisure Manpower.

Training and assessment for Miss Hargest's apprenticeship were delivered by the Hotel and Catering Training Company Ltd (HCTC), which can lay claim to the past four modern apprentices of the year.

Emma Danby, from HCTC, who worked with Miss Hargest throughout her apprenticeship, said she had been a model student during her training.

"She really deserves to win this award," she said.

"Front-of-house roles can be very demanding. You never really know what someone is going to throw at you but Kerry is fantastic at dealing with people.

"She also has the initiative, ambition and determination to ensure that she will go a long way in the hospitality industry."