A DEPRESSED man who smashed a village pub's windows in a cry for help was shot in the back when the landlord mistook him for a burglar.

Christopher Davies had plunged further into depression after mixing alcohol, cannabis and Prozac when he broke the windows in desperation, Worcester magistrates heard.

But the landlord of the Masons Arms in Wichenford feared the pub was being burgled at 12.50am last Tuesday, and grabbed his shotgun.

"Mr Davies went to The Crown in Martley and had three pints and then went back to a friend's house and smoked cannabis," said Mark Soper, prosecuting.

"Some time about 10pm, he went back to the pub.

"He left with a couple of bottles of beer and then decided to go for a walk which took him back to the Masons Arms.

"What happened thereafter is that he started smashing windows, although he only remembers doing two of these.

"The landlord then took his shotgun and discharged a round - he said into the air but it couldn't have been because Mr Davies was hit in his left side."

Police discovered Davies about 150yds from the pub and medics at Worcestershire Royal Hospital later discovered he was riddled with 40 pellets.

Dale Sheehan, defending, described 21-year-old Davies as a "fairly inadequate individual" who was suffering from mental health problems.

"When he left the pub, he decided he couldn't go back home and he decided to walk some of the alcohol off," said Mr Sheehan.

"When he got to the Masons Arms he was feeling in such a state that, in his words, he wanted to cry for help," said Mr Sheehan.

"He started to break the windows because he thought someone would be in the pub, they would have come down, he would have been arrested and he could get some help.

"He's paid the ultimate price for his crime - he's been shot, and not many people can say that."

Davies, of The Noake, Martley, admitted criminal damage and was released on conditional bail until Tuesday, August 20, for pre-sentence reports to be prepared.