THE dance fanatic who helped bring Latin American dancing to the Midlands at the start of the last century was celebrating her 100th birthday today.

Lillian Dawson was one of the first people to demonstrate the dance style in Birmingham in the early 1920s and was due to be celebrating her own century during a champagne birthday party this afternoon.

The 100-year-old resident at The Lawn's Nursing Home, in Kempsey, will be joined by some of her eight grandchildren who have travelled from across Britain to be at the party.

Son Sidney said he and other members of the family were looking forward to the party, which he predicted would be a great day for his mother.

"Mum loves to have fun and has a great sense of humour, so she'll have a wonderful afternoon," he said.

"She'll be delighted to be surrounded by her family as well as staff at the home, who look after her extremely well. She'll have a very enjoyable day."

The 66-year-old added that his mother had always had a great sense of adventure and loved to dance, which resulted in her bringing Latin American dance to the Midlands.

"She was the youngest of eight children, and often said that she was spoilt," said Sidney, who lives in Ryall Grove, Ryall.

"She used to go out most nights dancing and was one of the first people to show Latin American dance in Birmingham. She also loved to travel abroad and loved adventure."

Nursing home staff, who celebrated her birthday with Mrs Dawson, were looking forward to the party.

"She's a very pleasant lady and we had a super day on Wednesday," said Pearl Winchester, matron at the home. No doubt she'll enjoy today's celebrations as much as Wednesday's."