WE are now a step closer to losing the green trees in our High Street. The public consultation display and the questionnaire put out by the consultants, Halcrow, asks whether all, some or none of the trees should be removed, or whether they should be replaced with other species.

Nowhere was the suggestion put that the existing trees should remain but be maintained properly.

I understand that the City Centre Forum, a powerful business lobby made up of the shop owners/managers, want the trees removed because they "obscure the shop frontages".

However, the city is for the people of Worcester, not only those with business interests. The trees soften a utilitarian landscape, and give Worcester a gentle rural look - which is what many tourists find so charming.

We do not want Worcester to be just another faceless city. I hope the citizens of Worcester will register their protest at this threat by writing/phoning Andrew Linfoot, Halcrow Group Ltd. Redhill House, 227 London Road, Worcester WR5 2LG.

