AN intensive activity holiday has proved to be so popular with Malvern youngsters that applications are already being made for next summer.

Around 560 youngsters are taking part in Young Malvern Activity holidays, which are run by Malvern College staff.

There are 30 different leisure and sporting activities available including archery, synchronised swimming, jewellery making and mountain boarding.

All equipment is provided.

"We've had so many applicants that I purposely asked for no advance publicity so that young people would not be disappointed," said Paul Godsland, director of Young Malvern.

"But they can always apply for next year, which will be our 18th."

Applicants can choose a selection of courses to participate in during the course of Young Malvern.

The activities cost £120 including cancellation insurance and a Young Malvern T-shirt. Transport from a variety of places is also available.

Those interested in taking part in Young Malvern 2003 should call 01684 581625 or visit specials/youngmal