MALVERN Hills Conservators are considering re-launching a definitive guide to bird-life on the Hills that went out of print six years ago.

The booklet, The Bird Report, listed breeding birds on the Conservators' land.

From the mid-80s, it was compiled annually by a group of birdwatchers and printed by Conservator Dudley Brook.

But in 1994, Mr Brook stepped down. The Conservators financed it for two further years, but lack of support forced them to drop it.

Welland bird expert David Cunliffe has now relaunched the Malvern Hills Bird Group, which wants to reinstate the booklet. Members want the Conservators to help finance printing costs - £200 for 300 copies.

In a report to the board, administrative officer Valerie Whittaker recommended the Conservators stump up the cash.

"People used to find it interesting and we used to sell quite a few from here," she said.

A decision was due to be taken at a committee meeting last week, but was deferred to the next meeting in September.