A GROUP of youngsters in Droitwich has joined forces with their parents to help design an exciting new play area.

They handed their ideas for the £30,000 revamp on the Westlands Estate to executives at Spa Housing Association, which set the wheels in motion.

The cash was being invested by the housing association as part of an on-going programme of improving play facilities near its homes.

"This is the second phase of a new play area on the estate and we consulted closely with residents who have told us what they, and their children, wanted to see provided," said Sue Heelas, of Spa, part of the Festival Housing Group.

"We also wanted to try to cut down on vandalism of the new equipment so we are asking local parents if they will liaise with older youths to find out what facilities would keep them occupied."

n LEFT: Spa Housing tenants Sarah Smith and her daughter Elizabeth enjoy the new facilities.