WORCESTERSHIRE County Council's chief executive is taking part in an exchange programme with Australia to learn about business practices Down Under.

Rob Sykes will be swapping places with the City of Albury's manager of executive services, Judith Charlton, over the coming months to give both authorities the chance to share and exchange ideas.

Mr Sykes will make the trip to New South Wales in August, while Mrs Charlton will be visiting Worcestershire in October.

She will be looking at the ways in which the county council has been modernising local government, the Charter Mark process and the Investors in People initiative.

"It'll be fantastic to have Judith with us in Worcestershire. We're delighted to share our knowledge with her and are confident she will enjoy her time," said Mr Sykes.

While in Australia, Mr Sykes will gain an insight into public relations, marketing, the management of executive services and human resources.

"I'm looking forward to this once-in-a lifetime experience to visit a contrasting country and culture to Great Britain," Mr Sykes added.