TWO men have carried out burglaries in Herefordshire by pretending they need to turn off the water mains to gain entry to the house.

The incidents happened in Hereford and Ledbury, on Thursday, July 25.

The first burglary happened at lunchtime in the Bell Orchard Close area of Ledbury.

Two men called at the house of an elderly lady and said they had to turn off her water to stop it flooding the next-door property.

While the householder was talking to one offender, the other searched her house.

It is not yet known if anything was stolen.

The second burglary happened at about 2pm in Sherbourne Close, in the Newton Farm area of Hereford.

Again, two men gained entry into the property by saying they needed to turn the water off to stop it flooding the neighbouring property.

"It is essential that houseowners check the identity of any callers to their homes," said PC Nigel Cleeton, from Hereford police's burglary team.

"If they seem at all suspicious or refuse to show their identity card, do not allow them entry and call the police immediately on 01432 276422."

Police have released descriptions of the men, both of whom were white.

One was aged 25-30, 5'7", with untidy, collar-length, dark brown hair, and was clean-shaven.

He was wearing a navy sweatshirt with white writing on the left breast and navy trousers.

The other man is described as aged 18-25, 5'7", clean-shaven and of slim build.

He was dressed in similar clothing as the other man, with white trainers.

Hereford police are keen to hear from anyone who thinks they may have seen the men, or has been approached by anyone of a similar description.

They can be contacted on 01432 276422.