A SELF-CONFESSED chronic alcoholic who spat in the face of a policeman has been jailed for five months.

Paul Green, aged 57, of Teme Road, Tolladine, admitted assaulting a police officer and being drunk and disorderly when he appeared before Worcester magistrates yesterday.

He also admitted resisting a police officer, being drunk and disorderly and causing criminal damage on another occasion.

And in a third, separate incident, he admitted using threatening behaviour and dropping litter.

Abi Nixon, prosecuting, told the court that Green and another man were seen by police drinking in an alcohol-free zone.

"They were told they would have to leave the city if they wanted to carry on drinking outside.

"The defendant told police he could drink where he liked and he carried on," she said.

Green refused to hand over the alcohol, became verbally abusive towards the officers and was then arrested.

"As he was being held against the police vehicle he turned towards one of the officers and spat directly in his face.

"On the way to the police station he also spat down the windows of the van," Miss Nixon said.

Chris Hilton, defending, told the court that Green described himself as being a chronic alcoholic.

"He has been suffering from an alcohol problem in one shape or another since the break-up of his marriage in 1972.

"Over the last six months, the problem has been particularly bad.

"He is not proud of the position he has got himself into and wishes he wasn't addicted to alcohol," he said.

"He has no recollection of the incidents but he fully accepts that that is what he has done," Mr Hilton added.