n Bobo Stenson

Selected Recordings

IN the world of serious contemporary music, there are musicians who are technically brilliant and will leave you open-mouthed at the sheer mastery of their instrument and those who conjure up a great deal of emotion with their playing and ideas.

Bobo Stenson is a master of both and this is indeed a rare and beautiful thing.

Born in 1944 in Vasteras, it is claimed Stenson defined the meaning of modern jazz piano in Sweden and has called upon many influences in his playing since.

This recording - part of the :rarum series produced by ECM - is a collection of just some of the best recordings made by Mr Stenson during his 30-year relationship with the record label.

Those of you familiar with the contemporary jazz scene will also be more than familiar with the talents of Jan Garbarek, Jon Christensen, Arild Andersen and Don Cherry, all of whom are featured on various tracks of this album.

The haunting sounds of the piano introduction on the very first track sets the scene for the clean-cut but highly sensitive nature of Stenson's playing.

He may have been somewhat overshadowed in some collaborations, but this album gives the pianist a blank canvas on which to paint a true likeness of his superb talent.

Track three - an Ornette Coleman composition called What Reason Could I Give - is so beautifully interpreted you can almost hear the words of the title singing out through each finger stroke of Stenson's playing. Don Cherry is also playing at his best, with a measured, sweet tone and inspired improvisation.

Not only does Stenson use strong melodic lines in his improvisation, but he always retains an interest in rhythmic patterns by changing the tempo and introducing different time signatures.

The man is a virtuoso performer. He makes time for each note to be perfectly heard and this is the perfect album to appreciate his wide-ranging and impeccable musical collaborations.

ECM :rarum VIII 014 214-2