I MUST reply to your story in the Evening News regarding Quay Memories of an old Worcester quarter.

On leaving school at just turned 15, I started work for a local furniture removals firm - Lambs Removals - and I remember very clearly moving the last licensee of The Old Farriers Arms out on a very rainy morning, it being one of my very first jobs.

Very large wardrobes and bulky items from the bedrooms had to be lowered down through the front windows as the staircase was too narrow and partly non-existent in places.

Our firm did 95 per cent of the local work in those days as the prices were very competitive, 30 shillings for a complete morning's work - £1.50 in today's money. I also remember "Butt End Annie" very well.

The children never, ever thought of playing her up. If we had, and it got back to your parents, you probably wouldn't have been able to sit down for a week.

