What your donation will buy for southern Africa?

- £2 could provide two boxes of high energy biscuits - a week's supply for a malnourished child

- £25 will provide enough therapeutic feeding for 350 children

- £27 will buy 1 nutrition kit containing oral rehydration salts, therapeutic milk and supplementary porridge

- £75 is enough to buy water purification tablets to give 800 children a litre of clean safe water to drink

- £2 will buy 28 ORT rehydration sachets, enough to treat six severely dehydrated children.

- £300 could buy a kit of equipment and medicines for a village dispensary.

- £1,111 could provide high-energy food to bring 30 malnourished orphans back to health in six weeks.

- For about £40, UNICEF can equip 20 children who look after their parents infected with HIV/Aids

- £10 could pay for a kit of basic essentials for a child who has been orphaned by Aids or separated from their families.

- £10 can cover the cost of a relocation kit for a child that has been orphaned by HIV/Aids. The kit contains basic essentials such as a blanket, hoe, clothes, soap and health insurance card to take to the extended or foster family.

- £36 could pay for the reproduction of 10 audio-cassettes giving teenagers life-saving messages about HIV/Aids.

- £179 could pay for a trained community worker for a month to help teenagers to organise anti-Aids clubs and information services for HIV/Aids prevention.

- £22.50 could pay for the schooling of ten Aids orphans for one year.

- £26 could pay for repairs to a home to make it habitable for child-headed households.

- Your £175 could buy and install a water pump that will provide clean water to 250 people per day.

- For £100, UNICEF can enable 10 children to go to school for one year in Malawi.

- £90 could buy a simple sewing machine to train street children in tailoring skills.