SENSITIVE military information could be at risk due to flawed security at the QinetiQ site in Throckmorton, an employee claims.

The source - who did not want to be identified said inadequate security at the former RAF base, which houses the research and development company and could be home to a 750-bed asylum centre, made it vulnerable.

And they fear that poor security at the site could make sensitive information easy pickings for those interested in accessing it.

"It wouldn't be difficult to walk into the base with security levels at the current standard," the source said.

"There's only one camera at the site, which is only patrolled once every night, and the asylum centre's going to be next to it.

"If 750 refugees from all over the world are put there, it must be a potential national security issue.

"How do we know that some of the people at the centre don't have connections to groups who'd benefit by obtaining the information held at the site?

"Something needs to be done to improve security, otherwise sensitive military information could be vulnerable."

A QuinetiQ spokeswoman rejected the claims, insisting saying there were a number of cameras at the site to detect intruders.

"There's a fully-integrated security system at the site," she said.

This included a "significant number of cameras", many more than the number mentioned which are monitored both at the site and at the company's Malvern base.

"The system's very stringent and always under review, and patrols are carried out on a regular basis, but we cannot give details for security reasons."